Sunday, January 29, 2006

Site News

On the 16th of next month, I'll be going on a week long vacation to Hawii, with a few days in Las Vagas as well.

Now, normally such a vacation would mean that my updates to this site would go to slow to nothing at all, but I'm going to try to post using my cell phone and my hand held computer, and also putting up some pictures as I go.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Moments in Time

Timing is everything - Gallery you don't want to miss!

A collection of photographs taken in mid action. Popping baloons, glasses in mid-shatter and more.

Very, very geeky, but some are very lovely to look at.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Atomic History

1958 WS Underwater explosion + cloud engulfs US Navy drone target ship / Eneweta - Google Video

Don't know about dail up, but on my connection it was very quick. I think even you phone line folks. This is the kind of thing I'm talking about. Bits of history, odd facts, fractions of reality... this is what IPTV will mean. Quilting contests in OH, The winning apple pie contestent in LA explaining her winning ways... or the results of an underwater atomic bomb test from 1958.

You'd never see this on CNN, or your local news. But really... would you consider yourself more informed on the issue of atomic power after seeing this secondary effect of an atomic bomb, whatever your views on how such power should be used?

Besides that... man, that is a cool video!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Let's Give Credit to Even Crazy People...

Treehugger: Tired of Living on Earth? Build Your Own Island!

Hey, I couldn't do it, or even recomend it. But hey, let's accept he is nuts, and just give him credit for hard work, imagination and a calling to his own true faith.

Don't like modern culture or devices, and want to not damage the envirment? Then create your own 'island'.

More IPTV Goodness...

Crazy Shirt Folding - Google Video

Remember what I told you? Simple TV show, showing some simple thing you are good at, from some no name person from the middle of nowhere?

Learn to fold a tee shirt in seconds from a faceless woman in Japan. Not in english, but it doesn't need to be. Just watch the video. I don't fold any of my clothes, and even I'm impressed and moved to almost try this.

Might do so for my vacation. Folded Tee Shirts, here I come!!


Just testing blogging from my PDA. If this works, there will be no stopping me!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Umm... Did you say IPTV?

Could This Woman Drive Broadband TV?

The story in the link above is about a very popular IPTV show. IPTV is just a term that we funny looking word loving geeks have for Internet protocol TV. Which means, basically, TV over the Internet.

It's slow starting, but don't be mistaken, this is a bigger change than when the normal 4 or 5 channel system switched towards a 300 channel pay model.

So, after a bold statement like that, I'm sure you want me to back it up. sigh... so annoying...

OK, here are a few examples. Your grand kids here yet another call out to Gilligan's Island. Tired of not getting it all (Ummm... why is saying "Little Buddy" funny?). So, one trip to their computer, and a small payment, and they have ten select episodes of the actual show. Then they can poke lots of fun at you for watching such a stupid show.

OK... I can here that sigh all the way over here. "Gee... so everyone can watch all those dumb TV shows on a computer... you are excited over this?"

Yeah, I am. But I'm looking at the bigger picture. You see, we are going to get all those broadcast/cable shows on demand first. But that is only because that is the only way big companies can think, really. And hey, that isn't a bad thing. Even shows that were good but never found a fan base can find fame and more later, even years later. Family Guy got a new season due to it's surprising DVD sales. Firefly got a whole movie based on the same.

But that is just a small part of it. A few months ago, my whole apartment was evacuated. They found strange looking chemicals in our dumpster. And because we are nuts and hung around watching the fun while others went to bars or friend's houses (it was kind of cold that night) we all ended up on TV. I was able to send a link to the new stories that showed us to all my family and friends. So people in other states could see it. If I knew of someone in some other country, that could have happened too.

I think I still here that sigh. I think that the only reason you aren't impressed with such a local news story getting seen around the world is that we are all getting used to such because of the multiple 24 hour news stations now. But think about it... it also means that we all have access to the local news stories of that Iraq news station on an event that effects us all... from their viewpoint. Or that we can see what Greek news channels are saying about other things.

And even with that, the viewpoint is still to small, too focused. The corporate broadcast side of this is important, but not everything. The real push will come from the ability of normal people, those not paid for by broadcast companies, will be able to post their own TV shows about what THEY think, or about what they do.

Your TV show about crafts that teach 5 year olds lessons might be very small... but if it's available all over the globe, then you don't need to drag in a huge percentage of a limited population. Ten people in this city, a hundred there... and hey, they seem to like us in Japan for some reason. It's much easier to find your people.

It's also a matter of device... you'll be able to see these shows on your cell phone, on your portable computer and ... and here is the key... even on your TV. This is the key, becuase when watching some odd show that some nobody in Merryville, LA made, but which is funny and well worth watching, on your normal TV, then it becomes normal. Then seeing some strange vid off the net isn't strange... it's like watching regular TV.

Just like most things, it isn't just a matter of technology. It also requires a change in culture. But I'm already seeing the first signs of this.

HDTV watching pets...

My Cat Is Watching HDTV!

OK, this story works for me on two levles. First of all, it's an odd story about the effects of high tech in ordinary lives, and it points towards possible further changes. It makes one think about the good and ill of those changes, and consider what the future holds.

Oh.. and it's a totally cool weird animal story! Wheee!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

wynkoop post office demolition

wynkoop post office demolition - Google Video

This is for my local friends. A short vid clip of the Wynkoop post office being torn down. It's kind of weird seeing... there was a time I went to this office at least once a day when working for Bradford Publishing.

By the way, Google Video is a great service, offering up the strangest bits of video. I wasn't even looking for this, but I guess that is the wonder of the net.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Trinidad's Pitch Lake

Trinidad's Pitch Lake

Some really amazing pictures of a lake of tar, and some interesting bits of information on how such a lake acts.

Very strange.

Sunday, January 01, 2006