Monday, July 24, 2006

Ughhh! What Have I Been Doing?

Well, clearly... not blogging.

I did the vacation thing in Febuary... yep, that long ago. Had great fun, and will be sharing stories and pics from that as I go. After that... well, just work and such. Not much to blog, other than news and such, and I just couldn't get myself to talk about it.

Well, I got stuff to talk about now. Things are happening in the world of geek and tech, that normal folks are just now getting into it. And I see this blog, among other things, as a way to explain the world of geek to people like my Mom.

So here is what I'll be working on soon... lots of stuff about podcasting, the tech that allows anybody to have a radio/TV show about whatever they want, and lets you subscribe to it. Stuff about how PDA's (Personal Digital Assistants, or hand held computers that geeks use) can be useful for normal folks. How all that geek stuff about Web 2.o matters to Bob in Merryville, USA. And how to use all that geek stuff to your gain without becoming a (horrors!) a geek yourself.

Or not... hey, the world needs more geeks that didn't play D&D or read comics in high school. I want red neck geeks, and NASCAR loving geeks! Bring it on! Give me the Vacation Bible School teaching, fishing and hunting, quilt club going geeks!

Computers and the net are just tools... you don't have to have a pocket protector and glasses to use those tools. And that is a very interesting topic...

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Vacation Delayed action!

The first part of this year, I took a great vacation. I'll be posting my various experiences here now. That includes some pictures.

Hey.. I had fun. Join me in that fun....

I'm Back... Who Cares?

I did some figuring... In the months I haven't posted here, I've spent about 20 bucks maintaining a web site here.


Good question. There is the issue of blog fading... simple minded bloggers that quit their blogs when they just can't do anything with it. It's pathetic, really.

Honestly, if I felt I fit that, however the current lack of posts suggest it, I'd quit.

but really, I got some crap to say. You may not want to read it... and that is fine. I'm just the speaker... you guys pick out what is worth reading. me... I'll just say it and see what it stirs up.

I'm just the messanger.. you are the one getting it. You get to filter out the crap.

let me know... either way, it's an interesting process...