Monday, December 26, 2005

First Posts Are No Fun

So, I've done the blogging thing before, crashed and burned, and lost the domain name. But now I'm back, and the only people that care are the 5 people that ever read my blog (Hi, Mom!). So... now what?

In that other non-fun first post, I made a point of saying that good blogs had a focus, and that I would break that rule. Lame joke, but it was on me... a focus is good, even if it's a broad one.

So, I do have one this time. Before, I ended up just link blogging, putting out interesting sites I found. My main idea was putting out sites that my less than obsessive friends and family haven't found but might like out there for them. Fun, but not real creative, and it didn't really do what I started the site for... to push my writting skills some.

So this time I'm going to do the link blogging... hey, it's fun, and it fits my focus. And I have to do something with all this stuff floating about my brain. Before, I was aiming things at newbies... but today there aren't that many new people when it comes to the net. When you run across someone without an email, it's like running across someone without a phone number.

But those using the web everyday miss out on useful, or fun, or even important, things that they could be doing. And there are complex issues out there that never get on that 4 minute internet story on the local news. But many will effect you... you just won't know it till it does.

But I do... or at least I know some of it. And I hit the feeds hard trying to learn more. And I'll try to distill that here.

The net isn't about geeks anymore... it's about grandmothers IMing their grand kids, Mom's downloading music to listen to when washing cloths, contruction workers checking sports scores on there cell phones, and more.

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