Friday, January 19, 2007

Some Considerations...

I've been slow in posting, and during a particularly boring task at work today, an idea stuck me. And idea I has before, really... I just hasn't acted on it as much as I should have.

This weekend I'm doing to do a post or two on some current tech topics, but aimed at people like my Mom. I think that I've not done so as much because the stuff I read go into such topics in depth, and after reading a writer better than myself plum the depths of a topic, it's hard to think you have anything to offer on the subject.

But I think I do. I grew up as a geek in a world where I was most often the only geek. Often, the only person that would even let me talk on such things as a typing machine that would check spelling and sending letters over phone lines was my Mom... even if she didn't really believe some of the wilder ones I told her.

So, in honor of the first person, or victim, of me babbling about tech, this weekend I'll hit a couple of topics and try to explain things that us big city geeks find everyday and normal to a degree that, say, a retired teacher and still active Mom from Merryville, LA could understand it.

That isn't in any way to belittle retired teachers in Merriville. I know for a fact that at least one of them still has a lot to teach me.

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