Sunday, February 11, 2007

I gave a homeless kid a camera - The Something Awful Forums

Let's consider art. If you listen to the fancy types, it's about so many mystical things like talent, or skill, or maybe some incredible something that us normal types couldn't possibly have.

Sometimes art is simple. Sometimes it's just view point. Sometimes it's just timing. Sometimes it's even in editing. In the link someone with no training other than the most basic few minute course took a few amazing pictures. Out of many pictures they got back from a homeless kid we got a filtered few.

Everybody can do art. Even untalented hacks can, in the right situation, and the right moment, create true art.

Ignore the labels.... look at the work. Ask yourself... does it say something to you? Did it move you? Did it inform your view?

I don't believe in magic. But I can't think of a better word for the wrong person, at the right time, with the right view point, creating art.

OK... done with the fancy stuff for now. I'll get back to the strange animal stuff and geeking out on tech soon. This is my art moment. Even as a hack, I can have one. You too.

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