Friday, December 29, 2006

Amy Plays in the Snow Again!

Amy took some more snow pictures, along with some narrative on what you are seeing. The one right here isn't even the best one... just the one that looks like I feel right now.... too much snow!

But however it messed up my holiday, it does look lovely. Check out her pictures.

It's a Snow Day!!

Me, in front of my apartment. Now you can see what sort of week I've been having. And for all you little boys and girls that prayed for a white Christmas... stop it already!

Blizzard of '06 II : It's Back!!!

Boy, I just can't get a break, can I? Oh, well. I'm fine... me and the room mate will be braving the half block walk to the grocery store to restock the food stores. Other than that, we are in hunker down mode.

For anyone interested in some good Denver weather info, the above link is where I'm getting most of mine.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!!!

I spent most of last week preparing for a trip home I never got to take due to the blizzard. You'd think I'd be bummed out over it, but I'm not.

Many people spent the holiday trapped in an airport. Now THAT would have driven me crazy! I was home, nice and warm. I had my room mate to talk to, and friends and family to phone and email with. About the only WI-FI connections at the airport are the ones they change way too much for, so I wouldn't have even had that, not to mention a good bed and a stocked kitchen. Hey, I've been though two blizzards before, I know when to hit the grocery store! We did go once during the storm, but it was more of a "Wonder how bad it is out there... and we could use some milk" kind of thing.

I'm doing fine. I'll be going home soon. And I have the week off, so I still am enjoying some time away from work!

Denver Air Port in Snow

A great picture o f the Denver Airport

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Giant Squid... Pics and Vids!

We have long known about the larger versions of the squid. But until now, we've only had dead ones and eye witness accounts. Now we have live pictures and some vid, too.

This is weird creature gold!

Aww... he looks so cute! I just want to get some Squid Chow and feed him!

Christmas Spirit

It seems I'm not going home this year for Christmas. I really, really wanted to. My Mom had a very nice plan for meeting members of both sides of my family, as different as they are. And there was someone I really wanted to see this year, but I won't go into that.

I want to talk about Christmas.

Every year now, we start hearing about the "War On Christmas" and other such silliness. Look, guys... someone requesting their holiday items be displayed isn't a war on Christmas. Nor is some random clerk saying "Happy Holiday" instead of "Merry Christmas".

You may not like the commercialization. I really don't, either. But you know what... Christians acted to make Christmas a national holiday. Note that we originally took the date and many customs from pagans in order to convert them. And also note that the likely reason they made it national was to win more converts.

But whatever their motives, they gave the USA, Christians and non-Christians a holiday about family, giving to others and good will. Maybe those that aren't Christians don't do things exactly as some would want. But they gave a wonderful nation a day to celebrate wonderful things.

Can you really think of a more Christian act than that? Let them enjoy that good will. The best witness is living a good life. Don't worry about which holiday greeting they give you. See if they are extending good will in the spirit of the day you gave them.

If they are... that should be the best Christmas gift any Christian can get. That their faith in some way inspired good will even in non-believers.

And hey... toys aren't only commercial... they are fun. Just remember to let them play with the boxes AND the gift wrapping! Kids find the fun in almost anything. That itself is a gift that any adult can learn from.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

8 ½ hours on bus, resigned to fate

Just another local story about man trying to get to his job yesterday. Makes me feel good that I had a work friend go well out of his way to get me and one other co-worker home yesterday. I really don't know where I'd be today if he didn't. Thanks.

How To Kill Time When Snowed In...

Just surfing around a bit. Thought I'd share some links about our local blizzard.

A poem for a blizzard...

Snow Totals....

Blizzard Slide Show...

More to come... maybe.

Snowed In

I was to fly out today to visit with my family, but as of now Denver is in a blizzard lock down. I almost didn't get home from work yesterday.

But on the upside, it is lovely to look at. The link has some pictures my room mate took.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Getting Ready For the Holiday!

The week after next I'll be flying home. So now I'm getting ready, which this weekend means planning more than anything else. Most of this I won't be able to to till next weekend after I get paid.

I always get nervous when I'm about to travel. Not about the trip itself... I love flying, even with the major pain they have made getting on the actual plane. But about preparing to go... always worried I'll miss something, or forget to bring something important... like my tickets!

Of course, for a geek like me, I have extra steps. This weekend and next I'll be preparing my handheld computer for the trip! I'll be uninstalling anything I don't think I'll need, and I'm already getting video and audio downloaded and converted to watch/listen to over the trip. I will also be looking for some free games to enjoy.

This is Why We Dive

Wonderful collection of dive pictures showing wonderful and strange fish.